Monday, December 11, 2006

When you know sexual harrassment suits have gone too far...

I could understand if a 7th or 8th grader or a high schooler had tried to hug a teacher, how that could be seen as sexual harrassment in some cases. But a 4 year old? When I was this age, my teachers were some of my best friends, and I hugged them frequently. We never would have gotten in trouble for this back then.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Free Doritos!

FRISCO — A tractor-trailer-size container filled with thousands of bags of Doritos washed up here early Thursday, prompting Hatteras Islanders to summon their inner scavengers.

After drifting south for several days in the Atlantic, the container veered landward at Diamond Shoals off Cape Point and came to rest in the wash south of the Cape Hatteras Fishing Pier in Frisco as the tide came in.

Steve Hissey, who runs the tackle shop at Teach’s Lair marina in Hatteras, received a call from a charter boat captain.

“How’s the fishing?” Hissey asked.

“I got two stripers and 35 bags of Doritos,” the captain answered.

Hissey said charter captains were angling for striped bass off the shoals when they spotted the container, broke it open and helped themselves.

Long before National Park Service ranger Brad Griest learned that the cargo container had beached, Hatteras Islanders were busy with their time-honored tradition of wreck salvage. A stream of folks stuffed large garbage bags with Cool Ranch, Nacho Cheese and Spicy Nacho Doritos.

Strewn across the beach, the red and blue bags were each marked “export.”

One person filled a truck with them. Others carted off armloads of the bags, which were mostly undamaged.

“Just helping with cleanup,” Frisco resident Parc Greene, clutching a garbage bag, told Griest, who waved him ahead.

David Dixon, an Avon attorney and amateur video­grapher, wasted no time in taking video footage to make a 30-second commercial. Doritos is running a promotion that invites fans to post their own homemade commercials. The best one will be broadcast during the Super Bowl on Feb. 4, said spokeswoman Aurora Gonzalez of Texas-based Frito-Lay, the maker of Doritos.

Gonzalez had no information on the beached Doritos.

When the park service managed by mid afternoon Thursday to get the shipping container locked and removed, it still held an undetermined number of boxed chips.

The Coast Guard has not yet tracked down the ship that lost the container, likely during last week’s nor’easter, said Petty Officer Kevin Schneider of the Marine Safety Team in Elizabeth City.

Schneider said the team is responsible for cleaning up a hazardous material, such as an oil spill. There may be some argument to be made about the health hazard of chips, he said, but the risk didn’t quite qualify.

“When I found out it’s Doritos, it’s pretty much out of our jurisdiction,” he said. “It’s definitely litter, but it’s not a contaminant.”

This article was found here.

My question to you: Would you eat these chips?

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Gun Maker's appeal Hoosier's ruling

Do you think people should be able to sue gun companies when a person is shot?...article found here

Gun makers are appealing an Indiana judge's first-of-its-kind ruling that a federal law shielding gun manufacturers from lawsuits is unconstitutional.
The ruling by Lake Superior Court Judge Robert A. Pete allows a lawsuit filed by the city of Gary to continue against 16 gun manufacturers and six Northern Indiana gun dealers. The suit, filed in 1999, alleges the manufacturers and gun dealers sold handguns they knew would end up in the hands of criminals.
Gun manufacturers had sought to have the case dismissed under the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act. Passed by Congress in 2005, the law grants the industry broad protections from municipalities and victims seeking damages for gun-related violence.
Pete ruled that the law violates the due process and separation of powers clauses of the U.S. Constitution.
"(It) is clearly an act which was passed in response to pressure from the gun industry," he wrote in his decision last month.
A few cases filed elsewhere against the gun industry have been allowed to proceed under an exemption in the law, but Pete's ruling marked the first time the act was declared unconstitutional.
Gun manufacturers last week filed initial paperwork needed to appeal the decision.
Lawrence G. Keane, senior vice president and general counsel of the National Shooting Sports Foundation, an industry trade association, said Congress has the right to ban the lawsuits.
"We believe that the judge's decision is flawed as a matter of law and constitutional analysis," Keane said. "We think we're going to clearly win on appeal."
While drawing at least some attention around the country, the ruling here should have limited effect on cases elsewhere, said Ivan Bodensteiner, a constitutional law professor at Valparaiso University School of Law.
A ruling by a judge in Indiana does not bind a judge in another state, Bodensteiner said, and such decisions don't often get widely cited.
Still, the Washington, D.C.-based Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, which is helping represent the city of Gary, has hailed the decision as significant.
"It's gratifying to us that this bill, which was clearly a special-interest payoff to the gun industry and the gun lobby, was struck down by one of the courts that looked at it," said Brian Siebel, a senior attorney with the Brady Center.
The Gary lawsuit has already survived several hurdles.
After the city filed its lawsuit in 1999, the Indiana General Assembly passed a bill the next year to ban lawsuits by other municipalities.
Lake Superior Court Judge James Richards dismissed the Gary case in 2001, saying the city cannot fault businesses beyond its jurisdiction for the crimes committed by others.
That decision was appealed and ultimately landed before the Indiana Supreme Court, which ruled in 2003 that the lawsuit could go forward.
The federal law was passed after that and applied retroactively

Man Shoots Doe With Antlers

Very interesting phenomenon... article found here

When Carmen Erickson dropped a deer with a single shot in a cattail slough south of here, he thought he'd downed a nice buck. Unlike his shot, he was a little off. The deer was a doe.

"It's got no male utilities," said Erickson, who lives in Minot. "It has teats ... it was pretty unusual."

Six hunting partners with Erickson witnessed the doe with a 4-by-4 rack.

"I'm sure this story will be around for 10 years," he said. "At least in our group."

Erickson notified the state Game and Fish Department and received a voice mail from a biologist who said these types of deer often are bucks whose testicles haven't descended or for some reason are castrated. Erickson said that is not the case with his deer, however.

"We couldn't find any male genitals on the deer," he said.

"We turned it over, and I got a lot of heat over that. Like I was supposed to know," Erickson joked.

Gary Rankin, district game warden in Larimore, said he has seen a couple of antlered does over the years, but for a doe to have a well-developed rack is unusual.

It is not the first antlered doe to be reported in the region this year. A conservation officer for the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources reported seeing a 10-point antlered doe shot near Robbin, Minn., during that state's firearms deer season. DNR conservation officers in other parts of Minnesota also reported a handful of antlered does.

Erickson said the antlered doe is a first for his crew, which has been hunting together for 25 years.

"It definitely was a keeper, he said.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Free Taco Bell for Life...for a price

Taco Bell is willing to give anyone who will give up their PlayStation 3 free tacos for life!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Creepy Voodoo

This article is rather matter what your opinion on Bush, I don't think many of us really think this is a good idea...

Monday, November 06, 2006

Just in time for Thanksgiving

I have a severe addiction to sweet potatoes. If it has these soft orange wonders in it, I will probably eat it. I really hope Walmart carries these chips because I want to try them! If anyone finds them, let me know!

Strange Product #3

Oh, the interesting pranks that will come of this new soap.

Flavored Buckshot

I have too many friends that love shotguns to not post this.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Gourmet Oxygen

This is apparently supposed to be an alternative to energy drinks, I'm sort of curious as to whether it really does anything. My guess is that it will just make you lightheaded, as opposed to the jittery feeling you get from the drinks. I never really feel energized by those very sour, flat drinks.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Cult Leader complaining about injection

Jeffrey Lundgren, a cult leader who killed a family of five because "the bible told him to", is getting his execution date pushed back. Apparently he is overweight and diabetic, and is concerned that the lethal injection might not be lethal, or take too long to kill him and he would experience too much pain. Call in the "Waaaaaaaaambulence." You should have thought about that before you became a murderer.

Article found at

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Dentists will LOVE this

Holy sweet mother of cola. Coke is generally too sweet for me, maybe if this was made out of Diet Coke, I might be able to handle it. But, probably not.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Too bizarre not to post

Apparently you should not drink directly from the tap during a storm!

Friday, October 13, 2006

Indiana's Young Drivers

Indiana may raise the driving age. Thank God I am over 17.

Stupid People

It is stupid enough to be a drug dealer, let alone doing this while dealing...

Here's a short video, nothin special though...

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Ban on Skinniness for Models

This has gotta be one of the best ideas I have heard in a long time. A fashion show in Spain is outlawing severly underweight models from walking the catwalk! They are recognizing that teens are developing disorders while trying to become model thin and are trying to start a movement for healthy looking models. Theres a lot of uproar about it because the skinny models think they are being prejudiced against, but I think its an amazing effort to promote health.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Creepy Mr. Rogers

Wow, I LOVED this show when I was little, but I don't remember every seeing this episode...

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Curious Cocktail

I don't think this sounds very good, but I guess some people would like a more masculine martini...

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

One more distraction for drivers

There has been alot of news about drivers getting way too distracted with all of the gadgets that we have available. Cities are trying to ban cellphones while driving even. Still, Audi has come out with a new concept car that is bound to cause several accidents. Every coffee drinker has experienced that scalding sensation when they've tried to drink java in the car. Every barista knows how badly an espresso machine can burn if care is not taken. How many people are going to get burned when Audi brings out their new car with a coffeemaker installed?

Brand New Sports Drink

I've never been one to drink alot of sports drinks, like Gatorade or Powerade, or energy drinks like Red Bull or RockStar. Still, I could not help but post about this new sports drink that is ready to hit the shelves. Apparently, pickle juice is very good at keeping you hydrated...

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Using cooking oil for fuel

Interesting idea, seems to be worth the investment.

Friday, June 30, 2006

More than just a good quarterback

Peyton Manning is more than just an MVP on the football field. He's an MVP in life as well.

Monday, June 19, 2006

This makes sense...

Two very different companies have combined.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Horny Dolphins

Everyone knows that Jessica Alba is a sex symbol for humans. But did you know that she is also considered sexy by dolphins?

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

New Hobby

I've recently started taking more and more pictures with my digital camera. I needed a place to upload them to so that I don't overload my computer. I started a flickr page thats open to the public. Check it out, leave comments for me, enjoy!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Evolution of Dance

This is pretty hilarious. I think it is one of the most watched videos on the internet right now.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Great ending.

This has a GREAT ending.

Friday, April 28, 2006


OK, I'm not a huge video game fan. I can be entertained by one for a little while, an hour at the most. But i LOVE Mario. I could spend days playing Super Mario Bros. THIS is AMAZING!

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Really neat product

I live in a dorm without any air circulation at all. We do our best with fans and such, but it is usually about 80 degrees in here even in the middle of winter. THIS would be fantastic!!!

this is just wrong

Seriously, how is this possible?

Reproduction of Robots

This is pretty neat! It would definately help alot more than textbooks.

Friday, April 14, 2006

These are NEAT!

These are some pretty awesome Rube Goldberg "machines" from Japan. Very inventive!

Friday, April 07, 2006

Mother Theresa

Apparently, there is a new movie going to be made about this wonderfully graceful and generous woman. You would THINK that they would pick someone similarly graceful and generous to play this role...

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Jesus and ice

I think this is bull, but what do I know, I'm just a believer.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

BIG Big Mac

I don't really know which bothers me more...the fact that someone would actually eat FOUR hamburger patties, plus everything else on this monstrocity, or the fact that it costs $69.00, though i'm not real sure if is US$, just that they use the $ symbol. Note, this is not an American McDonalds. We are no longer the only one seating so unhealthy.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

First Day of Spring whoo hoo

Yeah right... for those of us that live in the midwest, there is absolutely no sign of spring today. As one of my schoolmates mentioned today in English, Indiana has one more winter every year!

Still, in the spirit of the equinox, I have to mention this tradition that I discovered today.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

The Fruitcake Lady

I know I havent' posted much lately, I just haven't seen anything of superior quality to pass on to you fine folks. However, this is hilarious. Reminds me of someone I knew once.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

He was injured bad.

This is pretty funny and cute.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Monday, February 20, 2006

The Incredible Power of Nature

Do NOT get in Mother Nature's way when she is having a heavy flow.

Disgusting new restaurant

This is pretty sick...

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


And I thought I was tired!

Lazy Muncie

I have to post this link. It is required. This is so awesome.

Crazy Animal #4

Ok so this is weird....

Pic via Big Fun

Note to Self #5

Don't tie myself to a bed, especially one that folds up, if no one else is around to untie me later.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Chuck Norris Himself

Here he is folks....

Very Mean

This SO mean...however, the kid is a little bit of a wuss for being that old...

Friday, February 10, 2006

Note to my male college friends...

You should be careful when masturbating...they will find out...


Why would you do this to yourself????????

Right About Now!

So my friends have come up with this saying. Right About Now! Don't ask me where it came from, but if you are a straight female, reading this blog, you will want to click here to see the definition.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Friday, February 03, 2006

Ebay #2

Xray vision device can be bought here!

Link via Unique Daily

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Ebay #2

These people are crazy. Its a Stuffed dog for crying out loud!

Link via Unique Daily

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Great new Product

I need to get one of these for my mother! She is always cold and this would be great for her.

Interesting Chart

Bra shopping is a huge annoyance to most women. If bras were created by these shapes, it might be a little easier to pick the right one.

Yay for Stupid People #5

This is a whole collection of really stupid fiascos!

Note to Self #4

Do NOT get front row, or even front section, seats to a bull fight. It might be even better just to stick to watching TV.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Ebay #1

A box of Kellogg's MiniWheats with a couple strange coincidences.

Link via Unique Daily

Tasty Treats

This sounds yummy...especially the Pickled part!

The Story of Divorce

Very cute song...right...

Note to Self #3

When posing for a family picture, always look behind me before we get set.

When taking a family picture, always check out the background before snapping the photo.

When laying nude on a beach, make sure that no one is taking pictures of me without my knowledge.

RIP Mrs. King

Coretta Scott King passed away at 78.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Pretty Amazing Picture

This is one of those perfect timing pictures that are hard to believe possible.

Pic via APOD

Crazy Animal #2

This freaking awesome. How is this even possible?

Poor Parenting #1

It is a miracle this baby is still alive. Also, check out the mother's excuse.

This is Quite a Calculator!

What normally would be just a standard add/subtract/multiply/divide calculator has been turned into quite an interesting gadget.

Link via Our Strange World


It has become an inside joke between a few friends of mine while waiting on the campus shuttle that we need to call Nekobasu (Cat Bus).

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Bear with Me

I'm not very familiar with html, so in trying to add a hit counter to my blog i messed something up. Please bear with me while I try and figure it out.


Pic via Big Fun

Strange Product #2

This reminds me of something that would sell on Middle-of-the-Night Infomercials that sell things that have absolutely no point!

Saturday, January 28, 2006

You Might Be a Redneck If #1 and 2

Here are two great examples of rednecks.

Pics via Bits & Pieces

Revenge is sweet.

This mouse, after having almost been the victim of a cruel "murder", decided to take up arms in revenge.

Link via Bits & Pieces

Weird Coincidence?

Bits & Pieces pointed this out:

In the year 1981:
Prince Charles got married.
Liverpool crowned soccer Champions of Europe
Australia lost the Ashes tournament
Pope Died

In the year 2005:
Prince Charles got married.
Liverpool crowned soccer Champions of Europe
Australia lost the Ashes tournament
Pope Died

Cute Youngsters #2

The future of tomorrow. Already children are learning to multitask.

Pic via Bits & Pieces

Friday, January 27, 2006

A "Mystery" Solved

Does size matter?

Strange Product

For those of you who watched the Sixth Sense and then spend the rest of your life running and jumping into bed for fear of what is under your bed, this product is for you.

Cute Youngsters

This is so cute! I don't know about the school scandal part, but this is a very intellegent baby.


Cops are human too. They like goofing off just as much as us.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Doggie Style

This is terrible. I couldn't find any real place to by them, so i am assuming its a joke. I hope.

Link via Davezilla

Yay for Stupid People #4

This happened on my OWN college campus. It was in our campus newspaper as well as this site. I guess he set off a motion detector. My only question is, why not use our HUGE library?

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Crazy Animal #1

I love crazy animal clips. Here is one of the best I've seen.

My Idea of Oral Sex

This is fantastic. This won't make quite so much of a mess I think.

Aladdin and the Cave of Cheeseburgers

This is interesting. Someone dubbed over the original Aladdin movie.

Serious Explosions

This is a pretty cool video. Some of it is hard to see, but you can definately see the fireworks in the middle. I just hope this cameraman wasnt hurt too bad.

Link via casual.mondays

Awesome Invention

As an amateur painter, I have found that one of my biggest problems is finding the exact color I want. This new invention solves that problem and more. At first when I saw this video, I thought it was a load of bull, that it was just a bunch of cool computer effects. It is a bunch of cool computer effects, however, it is an actual concept thought up by very creative people. Check out the formal website here.

The video link via casual.monday

Caveman Porn

This just goes to show you the effect porn will have on men.

The Legend

The other day I posted a bunch of unknown facts about Chuck Norris. This is tribute song tells the solemn story about this god of a man.

Link via Davezilla

Yay for Stupid People #3

This is definately a method for hiccup-stopping that I have never heard of. What happened to holding your breath?

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Gun Safety is Key

Eight. This kid is EIGHT YEARS OLD.

True Love

This has got to be one of the funniest things I've seen. It definately brings a new meaning to the word "Bestiality."

Yay for Stupid People #2

What was his plan? To escape?

Hooked on a feeling

Ok, here is a gorgeous man who can sing. So why is he making stupid videos like this? I mean, Ooogachaka? might be a redneck if...

i do have to give this guy credit for making use of what is available to you

Pic via Jeremy Wilson

Monday, January 23, 2006

New York City Pranksters

These guys thought it would be hilarious to ride the subway pantless. My only thought is Did they sit down? Some of those subway cars look nasty.

New Alarm Clock

I think this is a great invention. It would solve the problem of getting woken up in the middle of a fantastic dream because it would wait until you aren't under so deep.

Pretty in Pink

The other day I posted an article about green pigs. This one is about pink dolphins. The difference however is that these dolphins are completely natural. They are not genetically altered.

Note to self #2

Don't have sex in a car. Don't have sex in a car during the day. But most importantly, don't have sex in a car during the day with a child present.

Picture via Davezilla

What in the World?!

I can't even imagine what this would feel like. It is hard to bend your nail back, let alone rip it off. Man.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

I don't give a...

...rat's ass.

Link via Davezilla

Trailer Park Yoga

You have to check this out. Two questions come to mind. What is with her hair? and What is with her shirt??

Link via Davezilla

Friday, January 20, 2006

The Big Bad Wolf

For all you Colt's fans out there, Vanderjagt seems to have a very interesting idea as to what happened with that last field goal of his.

A new age of lawsuits

TV shows are now suing food companies for showing their viewers too many images of unhealthy foods. That seems a little ridiculous to me. It should be the parents' decision as to what their children eat, not Spongebob. Also, it seems to me that if you piss off your sponsers, you won't be ablet o have a show at all.

Pointless, but cute, product

What is the point of this? I know some people have a serious relationship with their phones, but this takes that to an extreme, don't you think?

Yay the Ultimate Roadtrip

I have ALWAYS ALWAYS wanted to go on a roadtrip to all the Walmarts. This is the greatest.

Link via Davezilla

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Very Sick

This is extremely nasty. Seriously. I thought the Britney Spears pregnancy test was disgusting, but this tops even that. Obnoxious auctions are just going a little too far.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

very cute

This is hilarious. These boys are so cute, especially the little one!

New Menu Item for Japan McDonald's

Ok, I don't personally care for their filet'o'fish. I Think it looks so nasty. And now they are making it out shrimp? I love fish and shrimp. Please don't ruin it for me McDonalds.

Link via Casual.Mondays

And then there are intellegent people.

Well, maybe I shouldn't say intellegent, as he did get caught and arrested before all this happened obviously. But still, he figured out a way to get out. To me it seems like the jail administration wasnt as intellegent as they thought they were though.

Yay for stupid people

Stupid people are wonderful aren't they? Definately entertaining. Also, as the title of the article says, make sure you pay attention to what he stole.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Note to Self

If you plan on cheating, dont do it to a guy with a parrot.

Change in History

Elementary school kids might not be learning about Columbus being the first to discover America in 1942 anymore. A new map has been discovered that might provide proof that China actually won those rights.

Bit of Advice

For those of you who are married, or at least living with your partner, keep the TV out of your bedroom. At least if you are Italian.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Chuck Norris

Several of my guy friends have a not so secret crush on Chuck Norris. They idolize him. So, I must post this link for them.

Strange Product

There are so many strange products on the market now, and many of them are for our pets. Check this one out.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Hamster Webs

Yesterday I posted a link about green pigs. Now they are figuring out ways to have hamsters and cows produce silk! This is so bizarre.

Link via Davezilla

The Cut-throat business of politics

I've lived in the midwest my whole life. I've had 19 years of experience with the close-minded conservatives that live in this area. I could see a vampire having a chance in California or New York. But in this virginal area of the US, it is highly unlikely many people will give him credit. He could be a very intelligent, very qualified person. I'm not saying that. Just that it is unlikely for him to be accepted.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Eggs and Green Ham

Ok, so this is really cool in my opinion. I don't know if turning pigs green is really necessary, but it is still pretty neat.


This headline caught my attention because it sounded like a stupid person article. It held my attention, however, because I am fascinated by schizophrenia (and similar diseases).

Fun new invention

As a college student living in the dorms, I have plugs everywhere. I think I have at least 3 surge protectors, just on my half of the room. This new product seems like a great idea to me.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


This is going to be really cool. Grown ups talking to their teddy bears like their kids do! So awesome, seriously.

Abston Church of Christ

OK, this lady has a little too much time on her hands. Still, it really is quite amazing what she did. A little bit more extravagant than my lego buildings.

Go Molly!

Hey, if I were about to be killed, I'd get the hell out of dodge too.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Another creepy post

Cockroaches are meant to be stepped on. Why would u even want to turn them into robots?

This is creepy

I don't even know how to describe this link. I love cats, but this is creepy.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Top Ten

What do ducks, Sake, sushi, aliens, tiki men, shrimp, thumbs, and barbies have in common? Check it out here.

A Blind Date

I don't know if this will work. When I go into a restaurant, I smell the food, and that really starts the hunger drive. And then, I see what others are eating, and it looks so good that I can't wait to taste it. Finally, when the waiter brings me my food, I dig in. I dont know if I would like not being able to see what I'm eating. Not to mention the fact that I like to interact with other people, and it would be difficult to do so if I can't see them. Interesting concept though.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Not exactly a funny joke

Ok people, if you're on a beach, and someone disappeared under the water and then finally came back up and yelled shark, take it seriously. Even if it is a joke, at least safety precautions were attempted and this does not happen.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Exotic Ice Cream

It seems that companies are pondering new breeds of milk to make ice cream from. As we all know, cow milk is expensive. Water Buffalo milk, on the other hand, is very cheap. Now, I've never had water buffalow milk, but I have had goat's milk, which is another consideration, and it is very very nasty. I would definately rather pay more to get something I like than pay little for something that makes me want to know...

Frog Threesome

Number one question: Why would anyone even think to create this?

Number two question: Why would anyone even think to buy this?

Friday, January 06, 2006

Technological parenting

With all of the new technology coming out these days, I'm discovering that its really hard to picture the way my parents grew up. How did their parents ever know where they were? Of course, that is probably why the hippie movement was able to happen. No one at Woodstock had a cellphone. Still, I'm not sure I really like this idea. Maybe its because my parents do still want to know where I am. Or it might be because I tend to have a slight lead foot.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

I'm gonna have to agree with the mom on this one.

This is a sick joke. Why would anyone program something to say this to a child?

Pretty good idea if you ask me

College kids are always coming up with ways to make money--Selling themselves to science or working at McDonalds. But a UK student came up with a way to make a million dollars in just 4 months. Check out the article here. And the student's site, here.

Thank God, this is such a life-changing miracle!

They have found the largest prime number. This is almost, ALMOST as amazing as it will be when they finally find the end of pi! Um...super.


I understand sometimes young parents need a vacation. However, that is what babysitters, grandmothers, and friends are for. I'd say they definately gambled here.

People really need to learn gun safety.

Who plays with a loaded gun when going to the bathroom. Seriously people!

I want to change my name too!

Don't you just love stupid people? This guy legally changed his name to! Read the article here.

Brand New Site

I'm always sending articles and pictures to my friends and family that I run across online. I decided to post them online instead of sending out billions of emails. I got the idea from Back Four Second's Blog, but I doubt my site will ever be as organized as his is.